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Winter Blues

Winter Blues fashion blog post for The Maine Square
I hate to say it, but I officially have the winter blues. I know it is the new year. I should be jumping for joy and raring and ready to go, but I'm not. The winter is really challenging for me. It's so cold here in Maine for way too long. I am actually being a big baby right now. Honestly, this winter has been pretty mild so far. We have only had a couple of days that the temp has hung around down in the teens, but I am sure that Mother Nature is just getting started. My workout routine has pretty much gone down hill. I like to go for walks and ride my bike outside and its not enjoyable for me once the temps go down below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Lately I have been trying to do some indoor workouts by following some YouTube videos, but even though it's warm inside, just knowing that it's winter outside keeps me down. I really have to push myself. That being said, I plan on doing a 30 minute mild cardio workout this morning and I am going to stick to that plan! One of my New Years Resolutions is to not break promises to myself. I keep the promises I make to everyone else. Why do I break promises to myself when I am the most important person in my life?! That sounds totally narcissistic, but I think you know what I mean. Also, I try to wear things that I love and treat myself to something new once in a while. I don't want to go over board with buying because I am trying to get my credit cards paid off. (another New Years resolution) But I think it's important to treat ourselves once in a while with something new. Maybe once a month! I am going to treat myself once a month but only if I reach a goal. For instance, like doing a 30 min workout at least three times a week in the month of January. If I reach that goal, I am going to buy myself something new! Id love to hear some of your goals for 2020. Please feel free to share in the comments at the end of this post! 
Winter Blues fashion blog post for The Maine Square
I LOVE my new fabric storage bins from Target. I purchased the cube storage shelving system from Wayfair last year and just recently purchased the boxes. There is no better feeling than being organized. I can think a lot more clearly when I am organized. Do you feel the same? 
Freshwater Pearl earrings and hydrangea print hair tie
Everyone needs a pair of pearl earrings. I wear my pearls almost every day. They go with everything and tend to brighten up my face. Just try it! Pearls will brighten you up too! 
semi precious stone friendship bracelets
My Little Guy always try to get into my "photo shoots." He's so handsome. I don't mind...
semi precious stone friendship bracelets
I LOVE the macrame detail on these semi precious stone friendship bracelets by Mermaids and Madeleines. So delicate looking but yet so durable and completely adjustable.

Shop everything in this post!

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